About the Book


LEO the Maker Prince teaches children (both young and old) about 3D printing by following Carla and LEO's journey through Brooklyn. LEO is a walking, talking robot who happens to be able to print (in plastic) any object that Carla draws. The other robots have their own special capabilities: H1-H0 prints in metal, Sinclair can find and print objects from a huge catalog of designs, and the others (including AL1C3-D, IRIS-7, and NiXie) have unique talents, too. Readers can come along for the journey, too: all of the objects in the book are printable one way or another.

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Make the objects


All the objects created by the characters in the book are available for download from Thingiverse, and can be made at home with a personal 3D printer or ordered through a 3D printing service.

Visit our "Make the objects" page to learn more and check out some of the objects our readers have 3D printed themselves so far!



LEO the Maker Prince is coming to a store near you. Look for readings and book signings taking place soon.

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